
CHRisTmas in the SiLenT ForeSt 歌詞

作品名:攻殻機動隊 S.A.C. 2nd GIG


作詞: Shanti Snyder

作曲: 菅野よう子

編曲者: 菅野よう子

CHRisTmas in the SiLenT ForeSt 歌詞

Seeing colors
Ribbons of their truth
Can I touch to reconnect?
See beyond the light,
In Bubbles rise---- to surface in someone's eye
Synchrons that dwell

*Silence is crying, is crying
Open doors and Empty glasses,
Christmas in the Silent Forest
The limp ticking of the hand

Penetrate in whispers
In shadows rise---- to surface in someone's mind
Echoes that dwell ...echoes that dwell..... echoes that dwell

Blameless sorrow
Hollow hush of trees
Roots are deeply intertwined
Penetrate in whispers
In shadows rise---- to surface
In someone's sigh
Segments that yell


Hollow hush of trees, How do you keep?
Sweet slumber, sleep among the forest trees
Hollow hush of trees, How do you keep?
Sweet slumber, sleep among the forest trees

攻殻機動隊 グッズ




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