
Remember My Love 歌詞

作品名:うる星やつら3 リメンバー・マイ・ラヴ


作詞: Ralph McCarthy

作曲: タケカワユキヒデ

編曲者: 土方隆行

Remember My Love 歌詞

I wanna thank you for
all the trust and devotion
Thank you for the good times
For your love
Love as deep as any ocean
Though for a while we may go separate ways
I know nothing can come between us
Oh,No matter what people say

※Say you will remember my love
Say you never will lose sight of
the light we found to guide us
Say you will remember my love
Call me any lonely night,love
You know I'm on your side

Well all around the world
people looking for someone
to have and belong to
needs a love to hold on to
And when you find someone,you'll open your eyes
to the beauty that's all around you
Oh,and I'm So happy I found you,love






うる星やつら3 リメンバー・マイ・ラヴ他の曲

うる星やつら3 リメンバー・マイ・ラヴ関連楽曲

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