恋して♡ポプテピピック 歌詞
毎日君はソッポ向いているよね (Everyday, you turn your face from me and look the other way)
いったいゼンタイ何に夢中なの? (WTF? What are you so preoccupied with? Look at me!)
私の恋に気づかないふりして (You act like you just don't notice that I'm so in love with you)
本当に失礼しちゃう (Seriously, you're freakin' rude)
ねんねしな (How do you sleep at night!?!?)
君の好みは関係ないの (Your taste is irrelevant; it might be mainstream)
サブカルこねくり回しても (Even if you quibble about the best subculture)
偽物だらけ (Everyone still thinks you're dumb!)
君に届けポップテクニック! (Just let me show my Pop Technique!)
ポップなテクニックで (Feel my love through my Pop Technique)
ビビっ!と来るよ (Don't let it scare you)
未知なスリル教えてあげる (I'll give you such a thrill like you've never felt before)
ニッチな恋心は (Niche love stabs you right through your heart)
グッ!と来るでしょ? (Let it impale you)
興味ゼロと言わせないから (You can't claim you don't care, 'cause I know you're into it!)
妄想!空想!大暴走! (Go wild! Mental! Delusional!)
ポプテピピック☆ (It's Pop Team Epic, oh yeah!)